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Research ethics review process

Step 1: Application

Before submitting your application, please note:
  • Each round of ethical review takes an average of 4 weeks; please plan accordingly.
  • The vast majority of research ethics submissions go through at least two sets of ethical reviews before receiving REB approval.
  • The research study may not begin until the researcher receives an approval letter from the research ethics board.
  • No ethical reviews are conducted in August.
  • Researcher applies for research ethics board (REB) review.

 Administrative screening

  • REB submission is screened for completeness. Missing or incomplete information is identified and the researcher is required to address these issues and re-submit a complete REB submission. This is not an ethical review by the board; it is an administrative screening to ensure the submission is complete and ready for ethical review by the board.
  • Administrative screening feedback, if any, is normally provided to researchers within 5 days.

Risk assessment and review assignment to board members

  • REB submission is assessed for risk by the board chair (and directed to full Board meeting for review or to delegated review).
  • REB submission is assigned to primary Board reviewers.

Step 2: Review

  • Board reviewers complete an ethical review and submit reviews to Research Ethics.
  • Research Ethics communicates the review and decision to the researcher.

Step 3: Revisions

  • Researcher responds to the REB review and submits a revised REB submission (if requested) to the Research Ethics office.
  • The revised submission undergoes another ethical review.
  • Researcher is advised of REB decision by the Research Ethics office (either another response required to the REB review or REB approval letter is issued).
  • The REB review - researcher response/revision process is an iterative one that continues until the REB approves the study ethically.

Step 4: Approval

  • Initial REB approval is granted for up to 12 months.
  • The researcher receives a letter of approval from the REB.
  • Research involving humans may begin.

Step 5: Ongoing ethics responsibilities

  • Proposed changes must be submitted for research ethics board review and approval through the amendment request process.
  • Continuing review and approval is required. Researchers must submit annual reports and a final report. No research involving humans may be conducted without active research ethics board approval.
  • Adverse events or incidents must be reported in writing to the research ethics board through the Research Ethics office.
  • A detailed list of ongoing responsibilities is included with the research ethics board approval letter.

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