

Volume XIX (December 2001)

Table of Contents

Dedication to James A. Doull

James A. Doull The Problem of Participation in Platos Parmenides

Amy Morgenstern Leaving the Verb To Be Behind: An Alternative Reading of Platos Sophist

Louis-Andr矇 Dorion A lorigine de la question socratique et de la critique du t矇moignage de X矇nophon: l矇tudede Schleiermacher sur Socrate (1815)

Anca Vasiliu Dire limage ou la parole visible chez Platon (sur le Sophiste, 216a-214e)

Stephen Menn Longinus on Plotinus

D. Gregory MacIsaac Phantasia between Soul and Body in Proclus Euclid Commentary

D.W. Hadley Eriugena Against Metaphysical Dualism

Joshua P. Hochschild Words, Concepts and Things: Cajetan on the Subject of the Categories

Zbigniew Janowski How to Read the Fourth Meditation: Augustinian Sources of Descartes Metaphysics

Thomas H. Curran Eros and Logos in Thomas Manns Death in Venice

Salvatore Lilla Brief Notes on the Greek Corpus Areopagiticum in Rome during the Early Middle Ages