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Notice of Video Conferenced Meeting
ϳԹ Senate
Monday, December 14th, 2015
Adjusted Time - 3:00pm ‐ 5:00pm
Carleton Campus, Halifax: Theatre A, Charles Tupper Medical Building,
Agricultural Campus, Bible Hill: Principal's Boardroom, Cumming Hall
1. Approval of Agenda
2. Consent Agenda
2.1 Approval of Draft Minutes of November 23, 2015 Senate Meeting
3. Matters Arising from the November 23, 2015 Senate Minutes
4. Chair of Senate’s Report
5. President’s Report
6. Provost’s Report
7. IN CAMERA: Senate Honorary Degrees Committee: 2016 and 2017 Nominations
Presenter: Richard Florizone, Chair, Senate Honorary Degrees Committee
8. Senate Planning and Governance Committee: Name change request: Atlantic Health Promotion Research Centre
ʰԳٱ: William Webster, Dean, Faculty of Health Professions, Maureen Summers, Managing Director, and, Lois Jackson, Scientific Director
9. Senate Planning and Governance Committee: ϳԹStudent Union: Senate Membership Reform Proposal
ʰԳٱ: John Hutton, DSU Vice President, Academic and External
10. The Utility (and funding) of Network: Presenter: Dwight Fischer, Chief Information Officer
11. Senate Planning and Governance Committee: Preliminary Report of the ad hoc Committee of Senate on Fossil Fuel Divestment
Presenter: Keith Taylor, Co-Chair, ad hoc Committee of Senate on Fossil Fuel Divestment
12. Question Period
13. Other Business